
Free teamviewer download version 9
Free teamviewer download version 9

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When you use another Mac and you’re logged into the same iCloud account, your other Mac will appear under the Shared section of the sidebar in Finder, and you can connect to its screen over the Internet. Open the System Preferences window, click the iCloud icon, check Use Back to My Mac, and go through the setup process. If you have another Mac, you can set up Screen Sharing to work over the Internet without needing any other software. If you don’t set up a password, you’ll have to agree to a confirmation dialog on the Mac every time you want to control it remotely. If you don’t have a Mac or want to use another VNC client, you can connect to the IP address displayed here. Bear in mind that the IP address displayed above is likely an internal IP address where your Mac can be found on your local network, which means you can’t access it over the Internet without forwarding ports.Ĭlick the Computer Settings button to set a password. If you have another Mac on the local network, you can open a Finder window, look in the Shared section of the sidebar, select the computer you want to control, and click Share Screen. This control panel will inform you how you can connect.

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Click the Sharing icon in the System Preferences window and enable the Screen Sharing checkbox.

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To enable screen sharing, click the Apple icon on the menu bar at the top of your screen and select System Preferences.

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